
The brief


We were approached by the "‘Tea Party Fest’ organisers in 2017 & 2018 to help them create an official after movie for their one day festival. The aim of the video was to promote the fantastic event, highlighting the acts, the entertainers, the people and the variety of stalls and rides around the show. The organiser of the event, wanted the feel of the video to reflect the energy of the festival, with energetic music and cuts to match.


For more information and to keep up to date with news and events of the festival, visit their website:

The Production


Over the one day festival we had two videographers attend the festival, to ensure we captured all of the events and acts across the two stages. For these videos we decided we wanted to include a lot of movement in our shots, to emphasise the energy and excitement around the festival. We were able to capture this with great success using two Ronin gimbals. These allowed us to create smooth, flowing shots that allowed us to show more of the festival in a creative way, making the imagery more aesthetically pleasing to the audience.

The final edits of the video also had to reflect the energy of the festival and we achieved this through a variety of techniques. Firstly, we used the selected audio track as a guide on how to tell the story of the festival. Using the slow build up of the song we were able to introduce the festival and its surrounding, with longer, slower paced shots with plenty of movement. When the songs reaches its climax this is when we decided to unleash the energy of the festival. Using quick cuts and a variety of transition effects to match the beat.