

‘Scalp Solutions’ approached us after seeing some previous videos we made for Theresa Wild. He was so impressed with out work that he invited us along to his studio to create a promotional video for his scalp micro-pigmentation procedure.
Our client wanted to highlight the before and after of his simple, non invasive procedure. Whilst showing how this procedure is a safer and cheaper than the alternative, hair transplants.

For more information on this fantastic procedure visit their website:




Our first aim for this video was to highlight the intricate and skilled procedure our client provides his customers. We believed the best way to show the skill involved was to use a variety of close ups and slo-mo that would emphasise the small movements, giving the video a more dramatic and exciting feel.

We also decided to incorporate some pieces to camera, to show some real life results from previous and current customers. We believed this approach would add a personal feel to the video, allowing future customers to engage with the video more, as well as allowing them to see results first hand.